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South Park ((EXCLUSIVE))

TOWNSHIP RECREATION ADULT CRAFT CLASS - "CRAFTY CREATIONS" Sign up for the April 3rd class here! The Township Recreation Department "Crafty Creations" adult art series will allow residents to tap into their creative side. Check back on the Township's website or on the South Park Township Recreation Facebook page about a week before each class for the link to sign up. Pricing for these sessions will range from $10-$20. Classes are held from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Township Administration Building. Registration is required, and registrants must be South Park Township residents. Please direct any questions to Recreation Director, Devon Serena, at 412-831-7000 or by email at

South Park

THE RIGHT-TO-KNOW LAW The Right-to-Know Law is the Pennsylvania law that guarantees your right to access and obtain copies of public records held by government agencies. All Right-to-Know requests directed to South Park Township should be submitted to South Park Township's Open Records Officer, Karen F. Fosbaugh, by mail at 2675 Brownsville Road, South Park, PA 15129; by e-mail at; or by fax at 412-831-0425. All requests must be submitted on the Pennsylvania Standard Right-to Know Request Form. For more information, please visit

South Park is located at 64 South Park Avenue. The park is approximately 34,000 square feet and has a children's play area, a walkway, natural lawn, landscaping, and related amenities. The project was allocated $1 million. Project opened to the public in March 2017.

South Park is the oldest public park in San Francisco. Originally intended to be an English picturesque strolling park, it had fallen into disrepair and had been subject to ad-hoc improvements over the years. The Recreation and Park Department worked with the South Park Improvement Association, Fletcher Studio Landscape Architects, park neighbors and community leaders to develop a master plan for the park's renovation. Improvements to the park included upgrades to the park's infrastructure, including:

On February 3, 1905 the portion of the right-of-way now known as South Park was set aside by the city as a public park. The board of park commissioners wanted all stumps and rubbish cleared out from the new park by the end of the year so that South Tacoma could have a park equal to those located in the heart of the city.

Following the trend toward organized recreational programming, South Park quickly became the focus of daily summertime activities and special events. The Tacoma Sunday Ledger reported in September 1928 that of the South Park playground enjoyed a very pleasant season during the past summer. Close to 200 children daily enjoyed the activity and the restful green grass in this pretty park.

In 1941 the United States Army was looking for sites in Tacoma for the construction of United Service Organizations (USO) facilities. The park district leased a portion of South Park to the army for this purpose. By November the South Tacoma USO Recreation Center was well underway. The 58112 foot building was constructed by the MacDonald Building Company at a cost of $30,000.

The USO closed in 1944 at the end of World War II and the army leased the building to the park district for $1 per year to use as a community center. Two years later the army sold the building to the park district for $10,000.

Margery Davisson was appointed as the first director of the center. Being a former member of the USO staff, Miss Davisson was familiar with the south Tacoma neighborhood and was instrumental in organizing the neighborhood recreation advisory council.

The South Tacoma Community Center was the only large indoor recreation center in the park district. The center was considered to be an ideal center of recreation for all ages. On any Friday you could find 200 or more teenagers jitter-bugging, in conga lines or snake dancing across the dance floor.

In addition to dances, the center offered a full schedule of handicrafts including shell art, bottle painting, leather tooling, metal etching, ceramics, block printing, textile painting, photo tinting, and basketry. In 1947, shortly after the park district purchased the building, the South Park Craft Guild organized to offer an even wider variety of classes. Many of the handicrafts were displayed at events throughout the year. The center also offered drama and dancing classes for youngsters, athletic programs for grade school boys, and teenage and adult social outings. To help support these activities, rooms could be rented on Mondays and Thursdays. The cost was $7.50 for the afternoon or $12.50 for the evening.

This waterfront park was until recently an abandoned post-industrial area in Long Island City. Transformed into a space that offers fun and relaxation for everyone in the area, the new park includes a central green, playgrounds, adult fitness equipment a dog run, a bikeway, a waterside promenade, picnic terraces a basketball court, a 30-foot-tall cantilevered platform for viewing the skyline and waterfront, and a 13,000 square foot pavilion that contains comfort stations, concessions, and an elevated cafe plaza.

Community Resources manages the City facilities and parks below, several of which may be rented for your next event or meeting. Click on the linked facility name for application forms, rules and details.

Prior to European settlement in the mid-19th century, the Willamette and Columbia rivers supported Native villages and fostered a vigorous trade network throughout the basin and beyond. Indigenous groups made significant contributions to the land since time immemorial. Despite the harm that has been done to these communities, Indigenous people in Portland continue their cultural practices and sacred connections to the land today. The proximity of the South Park Blocks to the Native American Student and Community Center (NASCC) at Portland State University provides a great opportunity to reconnect to this history and weave these stories and cultural practices into the urban park.

The newest park on the Blocks is Simon & Helen Director Park located between Taylor & Morrison. The site was a surface parking lot donated to the city by real estate developer Tom Moyer who also made a substantial contribution toward the design and construction of the park. Another generous contribution was made by philanthropist Jordan Schnitzer who named the park in honor of not only his maternal grandparents but of all immigrants who helped to build Portland. The design team was led by internationally renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin whose projects include Bryant Park and Battery Park in New York City and Canary Wharf in London.

South Park Wildlife Habitat Management Area is eight miles south of Jackson on U.S. Highway 26/89. This 832-acre area is one of the several elk feeding grounds in the Teton and Hoback areas. The area was established in 1939 to reduce damage to private lands caused by elk. Approximately 1,000 head of wintering elk are fed here daily from horse-drawn sleighs four months of the year. At an elevation of almost 6,000 feet, South Park consists mostly of river bottom habitat along the Snake River. A small portion east of the highway is considered foothills. There are cottonwoods and meadows along the river. Besides elk, mule deer, moose, many songbirds, small mammals and fish also use this area. With the Snake River and Flat Creek winding through the area and more than 50 acres of wetlands, opportunities for viewing osprey, trumpeter swans, bald eagles, and waterfowl are excellent. If you like to hunt, opportunities for waterfowl are good, and hunting for elk is fair late in the season. Fishing opportunities are good to excellent for whitefish, brook and cutthroat trout. This WHMA lies within bear country, please visit our bear wise page for information on recreating in bear country - -in-Wyoming/More-Wildlife/Large-Carnivore/Grizzly-Bear-Management/Bear-Wise-Wyoming.Camping and open fires are not allowed on this property. Portions of this area are closed to vehicular traffic, providing excellent hiking and wildlife observation opportunities. South Park is closed to various activities each year from December 1 (12:00 am) through May 1 (6:00 am).

Only minutes away from the world-famous SeaWorld, Discovery Cove, Volcano Bay, Universal Studios theme parks, and 2.2 miles from the Orlando Convention Center. We also are located 4.7 miles from the Orlando International Premium Outlets, shopping at its finest. Fly into our beautiful Orlando International Airport, a short 15-minute drive only 10.4 miles.

Maintenance is increasing at all neighborhood parks, thanks to additional annual funding from the 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20). This initiative also funds ongoing rehabilitation and major project to restore neighborhood parks and help address racial and economic equity.

A park had been proposed for the area in 1928 shortly after that section of the city had been annexed by Minneapolis from Richfield. But the idea for a park at 58th and Nicollet, two blocks east of the present park, was abandoned in 1931, at the height of the Great Depression. Property owners in the area were unwilling to have their property assessed for the cost of a park. Four other proposed park areas were abandoned at the same time in the annexed area from Fort Snelling to Edina across south Minneapolis. Of the areas considered for parks at that time, Windom South was the last to get a park. Bossen, Armatage, Kenny and Morris parks were all acquired and developed as parks, in that order, in the 1940s and 1950s.

The initial creation of a park at the school site occurred in 1986 when the park board leased land from the school board to create a playground for small children. The original playlot was created in 1988. 041b061a72


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