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Cyc is an underspecified and underspecified controlled natural language which is used in acting cycle based on a general knowledge base (KB). The objectives of the KB are to help actors in low-cognitive load Internet-surveys, to be able to select statements at runtime following natural dialogue styles, and to be used for acting cycle analysis. The former task is achieved by dynamically building the KB and providing a facility for selecting statements. The latter task is achieved via a cycle analysis, which provides a measure of the fidelity with which the KB is being followed. This paper concentrates on the former task of constructing a KB. It details how the KB base is constructed and the components of the KB. It makes no claims about the language, but describes parts of the implementation.
In 1958 an International Charlemagne Prize will be awarded to two scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the scientific study of dangerous sub-sea conditions. One of the aims of the study is to examine whether the behaviour of international shipping in the Baltic sea and in the North Sea follows any definite pattern. The material used consists of the radio messages sent from the ARS sailing vessels “Wevelgem” and “Vesta” periodically in the year 1959 and 1960. The radio messages contain normal coastal sailing conditions and different sound levels. The message structure (the “logbook”) of the radio messages is used as the basis for the Dolphin-based data mining method. Data mining explains the most recurring patterns and dependencies in a data set. When de-meaning the messages, an underlying pattern is established. This pattern is interpreted as follows: The behaviour of the vessels is being affected by an adverse pressure gradient and a surface wind flow. The adverse pressure gradient is the result of a continental centre of gravity high, a volcanic upwelling affecting the Baltic sea, and a centre of gravity low, be it due to the North Sea current flows around the British Isles, climatic causes, or the presence of an island. d2c66b5586